Matching a child to an adoptive family requires careful and thorough deliberation. As a result, adoption is usually a multi-stage journey. Here you'll find a summary of the different steps in the process. In the initial information-gathering phase, you'll be required to participate in adoption training. These sessions will help you determine if adoption is right for you, and prepare you for the journey ahead.
Preparing for Adoption
How to prepare for your home assessment
De-mystifying one of the most important steps in the adoption process
The post-placement journey
An eye-opening discussion that will help you prepare to raise an adopted child
How to fundraise for your adoption
Tips to help you engage others in your journey
An example fundraising letter
This simple tool will help you engage friends and family in the joy of your adoption
What does it take to be a foster/adoptive parent?
5 characteristics in becoming a trauma-competent healing parent